Hodges Jim

Jim Hodges, born in 1957 in Spokane, Washington, is an acclaimed American artist renowned for his innovative exploration of themes such as fragility, temporality, love, and death. He employs a diverse range of materials and techniques, from ready-made objects to traditional media like graphite and ink, to convey deeply personal and universal narratives.

Since the late 1980s, drawing has been a fundamental aspect of Hodges’ practice, offering a diaristic approach that captures the passage of time and personal reflection. Hodges himself has expressed the intimate nature of his work by stating, “It always starts inside my body, and I use drawing as a way of getting it out.”

Hodges’ artwork invites viewers into a visceral and communal experience, whether through curtains woven from artificial silk flowers, metal chains, or the delicate use of saliva in ink transfer impressions. His choice of media reflects the human experience, encompassing life, death, and the contingencies that affect us all.

Among his significant works, Jim Hodges’ sculpture “Craig’s Closet” was unveiled in June 2023 at the New York City AIDS Memorial Park. Another notable piece, “I dreamed a world and called it Love,” was installed at Grand Central Station in January 2021. This work features over 5000 pieces of mirrored glass in 70 different colors, commissioned by MTA Arts & Design.

Hodges’ capacity to create profound narratives through visual art has also been recognized in notable exhibitions and installations worldwide. His major touring retrospective “Give More Than You Take” ran from 2013 to 2015, travelling from the Dallas Museum of Art to the Walker Arts Centre, Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, and Hammer Museum in Los Angeles.

Beyond these, his work has been showcased in solo exhibitions at esteemed venues like the Gladstone Gallery in New York, Massimo de Carlo in Hong Kong, and the Centre Pompidou in Paris.

His art is part of numerous distinguished collections, including the Art Institute of Chicago, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, and the Guggenheim Museum.

Jim Hodges’ contributions to contemporary art are defined by their originality and emotional depth, making him one of the most distinctive voices in the art world today.

Arena I (White White)

Arena IV (then, then, now…), 2015